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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wordplay Version 7.22 Evans A Criswell 03-20-96
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This program was written for fun and is free. Distribute it as you please,
- but please distribute the entire package, with the original words721.txt and
- the readme file. If you modify the code, please mention my name in it as the
- original author. Please send me a copy of improvements you make, because I
- may include them in a future version.
- I may be contacted by email at criswell@cs.uah.edu
- Evans A Criswell
- Research Associate
- Computer Science Department
- University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Huntsville, AL 35899
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wordplay is an anagram finder. What is an anagram? Well, let's turn to
- Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition:
- Definition: anagram: a word or phrase made by transposing the letters
- of another word or phrase.
- Each letter in the anagram must appear in the same frequency as in the
- original string.
- For example, the letters in the word "stop" can be rearranged to spell
- "tops" or "pots" or "sotp". "sotp" is not a word and is not of interest
- when generating anagrams. "stop" has four letters, so there are 24 ways
- to rearrange its letters. However, very few of the rearrangements actually
- spell words.
- Wordplay, by using a list of words, takes a specified string of letters and
- uses the list of words to find anagrams of the string.
- By the way, "Wordplay" anagrams to "Rowdy Pal", and the program really can
- live up to that particular anagram. I have been able to come up with
- anagrams of most of my coworkers' names that are humorous, descriptive,
- satirical, or, occasionally, quite vulgar.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Compiling the program:
- The only version of Wordplay that requires compilation is the UNIX version.
- The PC versions contain a pre-compiled executable since most people do not
- have 32-bit C compilers on their PC's. The source is provided in all the
- packages. I recommend the Gnu C compiler for DOS for compiling it. There
- is a file in the DOS package that tells where to get the package, as well as
- how to set environment variables for the GO32 extender.
- Under UNIX, the program should be compiled with an ANSI C compiler. Never
- fear; it's easy. If you have the GNU C compiler, use it as follows:
- gcc -O -o wordplay wordplay.c
- If you do not have "gcc", or for whatever reason, wish to use your machine's
- native compiler, use "cc" in place of "gcc", as follows:
- cc -O -o wordplay wordplay.c
- This assumes your native "cc" is an ANSI compiler. If not, it WILL NOT WORK.
- If your compiler does not support the optimization option "-O", leave it out.
- Feel free to use optimization options that your particular compiler offers.
- They do make a significant difference with some compilers.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Usage:
- To use the program, simply invoke the program with a combination of options
- that make sense together. Here is the format:
- wordplay string [-slxavnXmXdX] [-w word] [-f wordfile]
- where the capital X's represent integers. Please see the examples below
- the option descriptions. The square brackets are not part of the command
- line. They simply are used to show that the options they surround are
- optional.
- wordplay: This is the name of the executable (under UNIX) after
- you have compiled the program. Under other
- environments, method of invocation may vary.
- string: This should be seen to the program AS A SINGLE
- ARGUMENT. If you feel you must put spaces in the
- string, under UNIX, you will have to put backslashes
- in front of the spaces or just put the entire string
- in double quotes. Just leave the spaces out because
- the program throws them out anyway. Under environments
- other than UNIX, you may be forced to omit them anyway,
- like under MS-DOS or OS/2 .
- Other options:
- s: Silent operation. If this option is used, the header and line
- numbers are not printed. This is useful if you want the output to
- contain only the anagrams. Use this option with the l (and x) option
- to generate a wordlist which can be piped or redirected.
- This option does not suppress error messages that are printed to
- stderr. Finding zero anagrams is not an error.
- l: Print list of candidate words before anagramming. This is the list of
- words that can be spelled with the letters from the specified string,
- with no letters being used more often that they appear in the input
- string.
- x: Do not perform anagramming. Use with l if you just want the
- candidate word list without anagrams.
- a: Allow anagrams containing two or more occurrences of a word.
- v: Consider strings with no vowels as candidate words and do not give
- up when there are no vowels remaining after extractions.
- m: Limit candidate word length to a maximum number of letters.
- Follow by an integer. m12 means limit words to 12 letters.
- m5 means limit them to 5 letters.
- n: Limit candidate word length to a minimum number of letters.
- Follow by an integer. n2 means limit words to 2 letters.
- n11 means limit them to 11 letters.
- d: Limit number of words in anagrams to a maximum number.
- Follow by an integer. d3 means no anagrams should contain more
- than 3 words. d12 means limit anagrams to 12 words. This is
- currently the option that I recommend to limit output, since
- an optimization has been added to speed execution in some cases
- when this option is used.
- w: Specify a word which should appear in all anagrams. This is useful
- if you already have a word in mind that you want in the anagrams.
- This option should be specified at the end of the command, followed
- by a space and the word to use.
- f: Specify which word list to use. See example! This option should
- be specified at the end of the command, followed by a space and the
- alternate wordfile name. This is useful if you have other word lists
- to try or if you are interested in making your own customized word
- list.
- New feature: Use a hyphen as the filename if the wordlist should
- be read from stdin.
- Examples of usage:
- (1)
- wordplay persiangulf
- Anagram the string "persiangulf" .
- (2)
- wordplay anagramming -lx
- Print the list of words from the wordlist that can be spelled by using
- the letters from the word "anagramming". A letter may not be used more
- often than the number of times it occurs in the word "anagramming".
- No anagrams are generated.
- (3)
- wordplay tomservocrow -n3m8
- Anagram the string "tomservocrow" . Do not use words shorter than
- 3 letters or longer than 8 letters.
- (4)
- wordplay persiangulf -ld3m10 -f /usr/dict/words
- Print the candidate words for the string "persiangulf".
- Print anagrams containing up to 3 words, without considering any
- words longer than 10 characters. Usr the file "/usr/dict/words"
- rather than "words721.txt".
- (5)
- wordplay soylentgreen -n3w stolen -f w2 or
- wordplay soylentgreen -n3 -w stolen -f w2 or
- wordplay soylentgreen -n3f w2 -w stolen or
- wordplay soylentgreen -n3 -f w2 -w stolen (get the idea?)
- Print anagrams of "soylentgreen" containing the word "stolen" and
- use the file "w2" as the wordlist file. Discard candidate words
- shorter than 3 characters.
- (6)
- wordplay university -slx
- Print the candidate word list for the string "university". The
- output will consist of just the words. This output is more useful
- for redirecting to a file or for piping to another program.
- (7)
- wordplay trymeout -s
- Anagram the string "trymeout" and print the anagrams with no line
- numbers. The header will not be printed. This is useful for piping
- the output to another process (or saving it to a file to be used
- by another program) without having to parse the output to remove the
- numbers and header.
- (8)
- wordplay trymeout -v
- Anagram "trymeout" as usual, but in case vowel-free strings are in
- the wordlist, consider them as possible candidate words.
- (9) UNIX ONLY!
- cat wordlist1 wordlist2 wordlist3 | sort -u | wordplay trymeout -f -
- Anagram "trymeout" and read the wordlist from stdin, so that, in
- this case, under UNIX, the three wordlists "wordlist1", "wordlist2",
- and "wordlist3" will be concatenated and piped into wordplay as
- the wordlist. The "sort -u" is there to remove duplicate words
- from the combined wordlist.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Using the "f" option to specify a word file:
- If the option specifiers are combined, as in "an7m7d5f" or "d3n5f", the f
- should come last, followed by a space and the word list file, as shown in
- example number 4 above.
- The "w" option is used in the same manner.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Notes:
- Limit the number of words to consider, if desired, using the n and m options,
- or better yet, use the d option to limit depth, when anagramming certain
- time-consuming strings. The program is currently optimized to speed execution
- in some cases when the d option is used.
- Plurals and past tenses
- The words721.txt does not contain plural forms of nouns obtained by adding "s"
- or "es". It usually does not contain verb forms obtained by adding "ed" or
- "d", and it does not contain many adjective forms obtained by adding "y".
- If the string you are anagramming contains an "s", try anagramming the
- string without the "s" and add an "s" in the output. This trick may also
- work effectively with "d" and "y".
- Apostrophes, hyphens, and other non-alphabetics
- All non-alphabetic characters in a word are preserved, INCLUDING BLANKS!!!
- If you have a dictionary with words like "DON'T", "ONE-EYED", and
- "ATOMIC NUMBER", each will be correctly processed. Note that words
- like "ATOMIC NUMBER" or "KNOW IT ALL" in your word list will be considered
- as a single word by the program! If "ATOMIC" and "NUMBER" appear as
- single words also, "ATOMIC NUMBER" will appear twice in the output, once
- as a one-word anagram and once as a two-word anagram. This is not a flaw
- in the program. The words721.txt word list does not contain "double words",
- but other dictionaries, like web2/web2a, do contain such things.
- The "words721.txt" wordfile:
- If no wordfile is specified, "words721.txt" is used. It is highly
- recommended that the "words721.txt" file distributed with the program be
- used, since many nonsense two and three-letter combinations that are not
- words have been eliminated. This makes the quality of the output slightly
- better and speeds execution of the program a slight bit. Any word list may
- be used, as long as there is one word per line. Feel free to create your
- own custom word list and use it instead. The word list does not have to be
- sorted in any particular way.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Program development history:
- Version 1.00
- In a restroom in the building I used to work, in the last stall, one person
- had written "roll tide" and someone else had responded with "war eagle".
- (University of Alabama and University of Auburn rivalry). Well, some people
- started rearranging the letters of the two scribbles and soon there was quite
- a long column of anagrams below each. People then wrote other things, like
- "tomatoes" and "boredom" and those got anagrammed by everyone. I thought as I
- sat there one day, "How hard would it be to write a program to do that?".
- One night, I decided to give it a try. On March 29, 1991, I tackled it.
- I coded one little step at a time and got it working. I anagrammed
- "Persian Gulf" and wrote 30 anagrams of it in that restroom stall. I took
- the code and tried to run it under VMS. I had to change one line to make it
- work. It also worked on a Stardent UNIX computer after changing that same
- line.
- Version 1.00 was written in one night. I sat down at my PC at home, and using
- Microsoft Fortran 5.0, coded it up. It just read the words into an array, and
- prompted for strings to anagram or a "." to terminate. Each time a string was
- entered, the number of occurrences of each letter was counted and stored in
- an array of size 26. The word list was then filtered, with the result going
- to a second array. Any word containing a letter that did not appear in the
- string being anagrammed was not copied over. This eliminated many of the
- words in most cases.
- Lengths of the words were checked while doing one and two word anagrams.
- If the length of a word was not equal to the length of the string being
- anagrammed, there was no need to check it. Likewise, with two-word anagrams,
- there was no need to check them if the sums of the lengths did not match the
- length of the string being anagrammed.
- This program did the job, but was quite slow.
- Version 1.10
- I had two main thoughts in my head when I worked on the program again five
- days later on April 3, 1991. First, it needed to run faster, and second,
- if the program takes a while to execute, it would be nice if it could give
- an indication of how long the anagramming would take.
- The speed increase came from inserting a second word filter into the program.
- Basically, if a word contains more of a particular letter than the string
- being anagrammed, it can be tossed out. Note than any word thrown out in
- pass one would be thrown out by this second pass, but since the second pass
- is much more "expensive" timewise to execute, the first pass was not changed.
- The second pass simply works on the list produced by pass one, and eliminates,
- on the average, one third to one half of the words remaining after pass one.
- The result of pass two is the list of words that can be spelled using the
- letters of the string being anagrammed. The result of the second word filter
- being inserted was an average three to four times faster execution.
- I inserted a loop similar to the loop the program executes while anagramming
- and timed it when the program started to see how long it took on whatever
- machine it was being run on to get a rough idea of the machine speed. This
- number, whatever it was, was multiplied by the square of the number of
- candidate words remaining after filtering in order to produce an estimate.
- This speed test only worked under OS/2, though. Running the program on any
- other system required commenting out that code.
- A small but nice thing I did is automatically converted all letters in the
- user's input strings to upper case so the user wouldn't be forced to use all
- upper case. Blanks were automatically stripped out of the user's string so
- that they wouldn't have to run things together.
- I decided at this point to go ahead and give the user some commands that
- could be run by using a "/" as the first character of the string. Most were
- trivial to implement. "VER" (print program version), "WORD" (print last
- string anagrammed), "HELP" (print commands available), "EXIT" (same as
- entering a "." as the first character), and "LIST". "LIST" printed the
- candidate word list after pass two. Remember in elementary school where
- the teacher would write a word on the board and ask you to find as many
- words as you could that could be spelled using the word's letters? That's
- what the "LIST" command provided.
- Version 1.11
- This version was written on April 11, 1991.
- An array containing the lengths of the filtered words was added to the
- program to keep from having to repeatedly recompute lengths of the words.
- The length-based optimizations from version 1.00 ran faster this way.
- Version 2.00
- One day after writing version 1.11, on April 12, 1991, I made a major
- upgrade. I decided the program was running efficiently enough to
- possibly handle three word anagrams. I coded the three word anagram
- using basically the same technique I used for the two-word ones. I
- checked to see if the lengths of the three words being tested added to
- the length of the string being anagrammed before testing the number of
- letters, etc.
- More commands and options were added in this version. Since three word
- anagrams took a lot of time and produced lengthy output, I figured most
- of the time, users would not want to do the three word anagramming. I
- decided to make various steps of the program options that could be enabled
- or disabled. The steps that could be disabled or enabled independently
- were the pass two word filter, one word anagrams, two word anagrams, and
- three word anagrams. The three word anagrams were disabled by default.
- The new commands were "DIS" and "ENA" to enable and disable options, along
- with "STAT", which showed the settings of various options.
- Version 2.10
- Only four days after writing version 2.00, I improved the program again
- (4-14-91) by adding the minimum and maximum candidate word length restriction
- options. This allowed the user to specify that words shorter or longer than
- a specified number of letters should not be considered as candidate words.
- This weeds out a lot of small words and speeds things up when anagramming
- longer strings. Obviously, if the length of the string being anagrammed
- is less than twice the minimum word length, no two word anagrams will be
- found. Also, if the length of the string being anagrammed is more than
- twice the the minimum word length, no two word anagrams will be found, so
- those checks were put in. Similar checks were put in for the three word
- anagrams. The "MIN" and "MAX" commands were the new commands added to
- allow the user specify minimum and maximum word lengths.
- Version 3.00
- The version 2.10 was satisfactory for quite a while (8 months).
- On December 16, 1991, however, I upgraded it again, and to users of the
- program, except for the new version number "3.00", the program looked
- and behaved exactly the same way, except for a couple of things. The output
- was no longer in alphabetical order and the program was faster, especially
- when doing three word anagrams. Losing alphabetical order was a small
- price to pay for the substantial speed increase, which was accomplished by
- sorting the word list by word length, using the combsort algorithm from BYTE
- magazine. A reprint of the article describing combsort appears in the book
- THE BEST OF BYTE. Anyway, this was the second optimization. Let me first
- describe the first optimization:
- After reading the user's string to anagram, the least and greatest letters
- occurring in the string were stored. For example, if the user entered
- "boredom", then the minimum letter was 2 for "b" and the maximum was
- 18 for "r". The array containing the numbers of occurrences for each letter
- of the alphabet was then processed into two "parallel arrays", called
- nlasci and nlascl. The arrays were created in such a way that, for example,
- if nlasci(1) was 4 and nlascl was 1, this meant there were was one "d" in the
- input string. nlasci(2) being 9 and nlascl(2) being 4 would mean there were 4
- occurrences of "i" in the input string. Note that the sizes of nlasci and
- nlascl never exceed 26 and the number of elements used in each is equal to
- the number of distinct letters in the input string. For example, "boredom"
- contains 6 distinct characters, so the nlasci and nlascl arrays only contain
- 6 entries each, with the empty slots in nlasci being filled with "-1" and
- empty slots in nlascl being filled with "0" . Why create these arrays?
- Because the anagram procedure now has a list of which letters to check for
- equal numbers of occurrences instead of having to check all 26 letters of
- the alphabet every time! A huge speed increase for shorter strings!
- Now back to sorting the word list by length. I then created indexes into
- the sorted word list by length. For example, the program now easily "knew"
- that words of length 7, for example, were in, say, elements 234 through 327
- of the candidate word array! If I'm doing two word anagrams, and my first
- word to consider is 5 characters long, and my anagramming string is 11
- characters long, I can obviously scan the candidate words that are 6
- characters in length and ignore the rest. The indexes make that very easy.
- A change was make to the three-word anagram procedure. It was faster to
- modify the two word anagram procedure a slight bit and concatenate the
- first two words being considered and call the modified two word anagram
- procedure with two words consisting of the word1 + word2, and word3.
- Version 4.00
- I felt much more comfortable with C at this point, so I decided I'd try
- to tackle porting the program. On April 30, 1993, in one night, I ported
- everything except the three word anagrams and a lot of the interactive
- options. The new version was command-line based instead of interactive
- and was more typical of a UNIX-style program. About a month later, on
- May 25, I added the three word anagram code and got the program in a
- fairly stable state so it could be distributed. Actually, I don't think
- I ever took the word "Beta" out of it. :-) The program printed its
- command line parameters (debug statements). That was never taken out.
- The C version was invoked as follows:
- wordplay string_to_anagram -123l -f word_file
- The 1, 2, 3, and l options were obviously the old one, two, three, and word
- list flags. The new option was allowing the user to specify an alternate
- word file on the command line. This program was a straight port, for the
- most part, of the FORTRAN code as far as the anagramming went. Since I
- had a 32-bit C compiler on my 386/33 system, this program ran much faster
- than the FORTRAN version using the same algorithms.
- Version 5.00
- Sick of being limited to three word anagrams, since C supports recursion,
- I added a recursive algorithm that almost makes the old iterative routines
- obsolete. They're still there, though. The "r" option tells wordplay
- to use the recursive algorithm, which basically works as follows
- very much oversimplified). Read the actual code for details.
- int recursive_anagram (string, accumulation, level):
- {
- if no vowels in string, decrement level, return (dead end)
- go through list of important candidate words: for each:
- {
- attempt to extract the word from the string passed into the function.
- if extraction not possible, continue (try next word)
- if extraction was perfect (left no letters), print the anagram
- (accumulation plus the word), then decrement the level,
- return
- if extraction was successful, but left some letters, add the word to
- accumulation, increment level, and call the function
- with args (<<whatever is left after extraction>>,
- accumulation, and level)
- }
- if no extractions were a success, decrement level and return.
- decrement level and return anyway, since we're at the end. :-)
- }
- Boy, that was a cheesy description.
- Version 5.01
- Later during the night of writing 5.00, I realized that I should eliminate
- strings of anagrams like "A A ..." or "A I I ... " or "I I ..." or "THE THE .."
- because such anagrams are seldom of interest. Taking them out makes the
- program run more quickly and slightly increases the quality of the output.
- The check was easy to put into place, so I did it. I had already given the
- code to some friends as 5.00 without that check, so I called this one 5.01.
- Version 5.02
- November 30, 1993
- Thanksgiving! While anagramming "Thanksgiving", I found a bug that both
- 5.00 and 5.01 had. Those versions would occasionally miss some anagrams.
- It had to do with the fact that if there were no words in the word list with
- length equal to the string being passed to the recursive anagram function, no
- words would be used for extraction in the loop. The bug was fixed my
- adjusting a variable called "max_important length" by decrementing it until
- there are some words in the word list having that length or until it reaches
- zero, of course.
- Version 5.10
- April 11, 1994
- Newsgroup alt.anagrams created. I thought, "I should tell everyone about my
- program and make it available". I didn't have much of a documentation file,
- but I posted the information. In the first 40 hours, after April 9 at 21:00,
- 60 people had taken the code! I improved the readme file and added the
- minimum and maximum candidate word restriction options back in. They can
- really be of help when anagramming longer strings.
- Version 5.11
- On April 14, 1994, I rewrote the "extract" function, and did not really change
- the algorithm, but changed from using arrays and subscripts and integer loop
- control variables to using pointers and pointer loop control variables.
- Depending on the compiler, this change may or not speed execution of the
- program. My results so far have ranged from no speed increase to a quite
- dramatic 40 percent reduction in execution time, just by using different
- compilers.
- Version 5.20
- April 17, 1994
- Note: There was no version 5.12. It became 5.20 before release.
- Since the program was ported to C, it only anagrams one string per run.
- Storing the entire wordfile into an array is unnecessary and takes a lot
- of memory. The reason I left it in there so long is because I felt
- eventually I would have the program fixed somehow so it would anagram
- more than one string per run. I changed my mind since anagramming a new
- string requires going back through the entire word list to make a new
- candidate word list. The extract routine I originally added in version
- 5.00 for use by the recursive anagram procedure, I realized, could be used
- to eliminate unnecessary words just as well as the pass1 and pass2 filters
- I had been using before. I made that change and applied it to the words
- as they were being read in, directly storing them in the words2 array.
- The "words" array was removed from the program. Now, if MAX_WORDS is set
- reasonable low enough, the program might run under MS-DOS without much
- work. The program now starts much more quickly and uses less memory.
- It is only storing the candidate words and associated information.
- Version 5.21
- April 21, 1994
- Bug fixes:
- Ron Gregory found a simple fencepost error in the one-word iterative
- anagramming. When porting from FORTRAN to C in version 4.00, the error
- was made and it was not discovered until a year later! When using the
- indexes into the word list which say "the words of a particular length
- are in elements x through y of the candidate word list (the words2 array),
- the loop needs to go from x to and including y. I used a less than instead
- of a less than or equal to in the for statement, stopping one short and
- missing the last word. When doing one-word anagrams of a single word, the
- last word in the list is usually always that word, so the most obvious one
- was getting missed! Thanks Ron! I fixed a similar problem in the
- recursive algorithm, except it was caused by a decrement of a variable
- and a return appearing where I should have had a continue in one of the
- cases.
- However, I discovered a much worse bug, in a way, when I tested the program
- with a different wordfile. I discovered that if the words were lowercase,
- it would not be processed correctly. This problem came in with version
- 5.20 with its new read routine. I apologize for that one.
- Yet another bad bug. Try wordplay aiai -r . It blows up any wordplay
- 5.xx up to 5.20 . Fewer candidate words than recursive anagramr calls
- caused that one. Solution: place a #define MAX_ANAGRAM_WORDS at the
- top of the program that the user can increase to suit his needs. Going
- deeper than that value crashes the program. The number of candidate words
- was the value previously used, which is too small when anagramming strings
- like "catcatcatcatcatcatcatcat" or "aiai". Another one fixed!
- Version 5.22
- April 25, 1994
- No bug fixes. Just a speedup. If the string returned by exts has
- character zero as the first character, go ahead and continue (try next
- word) instead of going through the remaining body of the for loop. Duh.
- Version 5.23
- May 13, 1994
- A tiny bug fix. The statement
- while ((wordsn[curpos] == curlen) && (curpos < ncount)) curpos++;
- should keep curpos within bounds. curpos does get incremented to the
- value of ncount however, in some cases. Evaluating wordsn[curpos]
- with curpos == ncount could cause a crash, since wordsn is of size
- ncount (max valid subscript = ncount - 1).
- Version 5.24
- May 16, 1994
- Anu Garg at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH found that, on
- his machine, if there are no candidate words loaded, the program prints
- an error message about malloc() returning NULL. Evidently, there are some
- versions of malloc() that do not like being passed zero as the amount to
- allocate and return a NULL pointer if they do. This has never caused a
- problem or an error on any C compiler I've used, but at the end of the
- word loading/filtering routine, I now check for zero candidate words and
- exit with a different error message.
- Version 6.00
- On May 16, 1994, I decided to try a new approach that I previously had
- tried to work into the program without much of a speed increase. This
- time, though, I did it more thoroughly. I made a second copy of the
- words2 array (wordss), and sorted the characters of each word
- alphabetically. I experimented with this idea a long time ago in one
- of the old FORTRAN versions, but never went through with it. I then
- sorted this second list in alphabetical order, maintaining a pointer
- to the associated words in the words2 array as I sorted. I then created
- indexes into this new array by first letter as I did earlier with lengths in
- the words2 array. I then made some modifications to the recursive procedure
- to take advantage of this new indexing scheme. It was much faster. I had
- seen several other public domain anagram programs that seemed much faster
- then mine, and they seemed to be using an algorithm nearly identical in
- functionality to mine. I finally realized that indexing by least letter
- can possible divide the word list into 26 parts, which are each indexed.
- Doing it the version 5 way, by length, since the average word length is
- 7 characters, with few words longer than, say, 10 characters, would divide
- the word list into only a dozen parts or less in many cases. Dividing the
- list into finer parts was not the only speed increase. The new algorithm
- should not generate all permutations of a given anagram. This means far
- fewer operations. This was one of the main requests from some of the local
- wordplay users, "Can you get rid of the duplicates?". I am not sure if
- 100 percent of the duplicates are removed in all cases, though, but it seems
- to get nearly all of them. It is much faster, also.
- Version 7.00 5-26-94
- All redundant permutations are eliminated by not trying any words having
- keys less than the current key we're dealing with at the current level.
- Also, the user can now specify whether anagrams containing more than one
- occurrence of a given word are acceptable. This option is more important
- now that only one permutation of each anagram is printed. The recursive
- algorithm is now used for everything, and the "1", "2", "3", "o", and "r"
- options were removed. Anagram depth (number of words) is now specified
- with the "d" option ("d3" for three words maximum). The major version
- number was changed because of the command line option changes.
- The "r" is no longer required. The "x" option is used to turn off
- anagramming, if all you want to do is generate a word list with the "l"
- option. A word may be specified with the "w" option to start anagrams, if
- you have a word in mind that you want the anagrams to contain. Dictionary
- words containing apostrophes, hyphens, or other non-alphabetics retain
- their internal punctuation when displayed, but only the alphabetic characters
- are significant when processing anagrams. "DON'T" = "DONT", "ONE-EYED" =
- "ONEEYED", "KANSAS CITY" = "KANSASCITY", and is processed as a single word.
- Version 7.01 6-3-94
- A user at io.com could not get wordplay to work. It would load the words
- and not generate any anagrams. The uppercase conversion was not working.
- For the toupper macro to work properly on BSD/386 (their operating system),
- the ctypes.h file needed to be included. That's all. Nothing more. It
- should be included everywhere, though. BSD/386 is the only environment
- where that omission has caused a problem, though.
- Version 7.02 7-14-94
- A user, Ulf Lunde, suggested a mode of operation where only the anagrams
- are output, with no header, line numbers, or other messages, so they
- could be piped or redirected without having to filter anything. I added
- the "s" option to accomplish that. Adding this option to any command
- simply turns off numbering of output and turns off the header. If used
- with the "l" and "x" options (as in -slx), a word list can be generated
- that is directly useful. I had thought of this option before, but never
- got around to doing it until a user actually requested it.
- Version 7.10 08-14-94
- Wordplay was up until now, a serious memory hog! Now, I've made several
- significant changes to reduce the memory usage. I allocate one contiguous
- block to store the words (and another for the keys). The word block is
- reallocated (using realloc()) to increase its size dynamically as more and
- more words are read in. That way, it does not need to be made a "maximum"
- size that is big enough to handle the largest dictionary. It can now start
- small and grow as needed. The vowel index arrays were not being used, so
- I deleted them, and their associated code. The word length indexes (the
- ones that say "words of length i are found in positions a through b" are
- allocated to be as big as the maximum word length (plus one), instead of
- After making these changes, I brought the code to an MS-DOS machine and
- it compiled under Turbo C ON THE FIRST TRY!!! It ran fine, unless I tried
- to anagram something that required storing too many candidate words.
- Version 7.11
- Thanks to Dan Ingalls at Interval Research (interval.com) for a suggestion!
- Create integer masks representing the occurring letters in each word:
- 33222222222211111111110000000000 Bit of integer (tens digit)
- 10987654321098765432109876543210 Bit of integer (ones digit)
- ......ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Letter positions (only 26 bits used)
- Example: intmask ("ACE") is 00000000000000000000000000010101 = 21 decimal
- Before the main loop in anagramr7, the intmask of "s" is computed and
- stored (in "s_mask") and inside the loop, the first thing that is
- checked is "if ((s_mask | wordsmasks[i]) != s_mask)" skip the rest of
- the loop body on this iteration of the loop.
- Version 7.20
- Bug fixes and improvements:
- 1. The "4" bug. :-)
- Numbers are no longer treated as punctuation. Strings with digits
- are no longer considered equivalent to the string without the digits.
- That is, "4th" no longer is equivalent to "th".
- 2. Wordplay now is capable of taking the wordlist from stdin by using
- a hyphen as the input file name. For those of you familiar with
- the "tar" command, it'll come natural to you. This will allow users
- to break their wordfile into several parts, one with common words,
- one with places, one with people's names, and concatenate the
- desired ones together and pipe the combination into wordplay.
- 3. An option to override the vowel-checking is available. When this
- option is used, the "anagramr7" routine will continue trying to
- anagram, even when there are no vowels left in the string after
- an extraction.
- 4. When the "starting word" specified with the "w" option is an anagram
- of the initial string, that "starting word" is printed as an anagram,
- instead of saying "No anagrams found".
- Version 7.21
- In the anagramr7 function, the current depth is subtracted from the
- maximum allowable depth and then multiplied by the length of the longest
- candidate word. If this product is less than the length of the string
- passed into the function, then the case is treated as a dead end, causing
- the program to run faster in many cases when the "d" option is used.
- Version 7.22
- In a couple of places in the code, my malloc statements were not taking
- into account the space needed to store the trailing NULL in a character
- string. This bug has rarely affected anyone, but I have now received two
- mail messages about it.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HAVE FUN !!!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------